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Why are ladies attracted to “sponsors”?

Today, we would like to discuss what attracts younger ladies to “sponsors” as its the latest trend in town.We have compiled an article on what  we think makes young ladies attracted to sponsors.We would like to hear from you too as this the current trend right now in Nairobi.

They are more established

According to a whisper confession, guys who are the same age as their partners seem like young little boys. This can be explained by the fact that a sponsor is more established, so his vibe will be about more mature, refined and sophisticated. For example, sponsor has a great house, really nice condo, admirable career going, and has money saved or invested. To most ladies, although sponsors don’t have the energy to be half as fun as their younger counterparts, it is really super attractive to hear a man talk about the latest stock market trades, as opposed to who won in a game of pool at the club.

They are well-read

Sponsors are more gentle and have more enticing conversations, as opposed to their younger counterparts. This is mostly because they are well-read, and not on the best muscle gainer but rather, self-improvement novels and literature. As a result, a younger woman will be enticed with the crazy pack of knowledge the guy has, finding him more interesting. In more serious cases, these ladies will comfortably seek advice from these men, in order to also sound sophisticated and cultured. Additionally, in the event that they attend serious conferences, they will confidently add relevant and witty comments, to a discussion. A man who can hold a conversation and impart well-informed and educated opinions during discussions is always a turn on.

They are mature

Sponsors are mature because they will not make inappropriate jokes that will cause a fight. Since they have more dating experience, they understand the basics of what makes a woman tick, such as need for communication, romance, as well as physical and emotional needs. Sponsors don’t force their partners to hang out with friends who only go down shot after shot, and displaying their unruly behaviour at the club. Better yet, they are mature enough to understand that a proper date is defined by quiet evenings and interesting conversations. Mature men are less governed by over-the-top emotions and childish behaviour, which is very attractive to young women because it means they will waste less time in petty squabbles about inconsequential things with their partner.

They are more generous:

Old men tend to have more financial stability and flexibility. By this point in their lives, most either own their own companies, or at least are very high-up in someone else’s. This leads to both a greater amount of flexibility in his schedule, as well as in his budget. If you want that $5k and up allowance, chances are it might be hard to convince a younger guy to go for that. They likely have younger children to support, as well as an ex-wife or two. Old men have fewer financial ties and therefore more room to help you get the allowance you’ve always wanted.

Youth is always on your side:

Your older boyfriend will always be older than you – duh! You can sleep pretty knowing that he won’t leave you for a younger woman. you’re carefree!

It’s a mutually beneficial relationship:

Ever heard the phrase “diamonds are a girl’s best friend?” WRONG – a sponsor is a girl’s best friend. Which girl doesn’t like to be treated? With a sponsor, you’ll want for nothing. Both of you reap the benefits of the relationship, whether it be financial assistance, s3xual gratification or swe3t companionship.

But I would say or rather, the bottom line is:

– Status. Sponsors are more likely to have power and money.
– Experience. More likely to be a better lover and know how to treat a women. Also more likely to be appreciative of what they have.
– Maturity, and men are often 3-5 years less mature than women of the same age.
– Wisdom, it’s good to be with someone that knows stuff, has done stuff, has a decent viewpoint on life.
– Access to stuffs. Be it people of note, a car to drive you around, the ability to get you into clubs.

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