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How to book a massage therapist FAQs (Part II)

I need to cancel… What should I do now?

We are so sorry to hear, but please let your massage therapist know as soon as possible. Naturally, it might happen that you need to cancel the booking with a very short notice. For such instances, we have set our rules as follows: Our Massage therapists would not charge anything for such cancellations. We do not want to add to your frustration of a spoiled evening by making you pay anything extra for the services, which are not even rendered. Just let them know your agenda and they can try to re-schedule or postpone your date to a better time. Maybe in the early morning or during the day, between your business meetings to relax, or at night, maybe meeting you for a dinner or a drink and staying all night long.

Since I do not have any previous experience, what should I do with a massage therapist?

There is absolutely nothing to be worried even if, you are new and inexperienced because massage therapists do hardly bother about these things. Also massage therapists just do not care about your physical conditions; you do not have to be handsome, good looking, tall, muscular, etc. You just need to be sure about your cleanliness and you must show a massage therapist the desired respect.

What does a massage therapist want when she visits outcalls?

When you ask for one of our massage therapists to visit you, you must ensure that the place is welcoming. At the same time, the massage therapist should not face any difficulty in reaching the destined address that you have given. Pay special emphasis to the bedroom and the bathroom, and ensure special cleanliness and hygiene. You can always offer her a drink; from sealed bottle or a can.

Am I supposed to take alcohol before I meet the massage therapist?

Yes, of course! You can take a drink to calm your nerves, but make sure that you do not over drink which can ruin your behavior towards the massage therapist. If you are drunk, you can be turned away by the massage therapist. Therefore, be careful.

What should I do as soon as I meet the massage therapist?

You can just relax and chat with the massage therapist when you have met her. Let her do what she is willing to do. This will certainly keep the situation within control and grip.

Which is the ideal time to make the payment?

Be prepared with the exact amount in cash covered in an envelope. You pay within the first 5 minutes of the arrival of our massage therapist. It is best to leave an open envelope with the agreed amount on the table or where your massage therapist can easily see, with her name on it. Your massage therapist will discretely count the money and call our office she’s arrived safely and you are happy with your choice.

Shall I give the massage therapist any gift or any tip?

Yes, tips and gifts are gladly welcomed by the massage therapists while leaving. However, flowers and chocolates are good way to start. Tips are given if you are very pleased with the service of the massage therapist.

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Founded in 2014, Nairobi Freelance Masseurs is dedicated to deliver a safe haven of tranquility, refocusing stress into positive energy by providing a home based mobile massage experience that “makes a difference” in our clients’ lives.

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  • +254714662533

  • bookings@nairobifreelance.com

  • Nairobi, Kenya

  • 24 Hours / 7 days