In Four hands massage, two females or males or both female and male massage therapists will give massage to male or female customer in massage room, hotel room, male and female customer’s home or other place. Four hands massage is mostly confused with couples massage. Because Four hands massage requires 2 massage therapists so customer has to prepare for massage from 2 persons. Four Hands massage gives different feeling and touch in respect of simple body massage by one female or male massage therapist because in Four hands massage, 2 massage therapist will provide you 2 different touches in your whole naked or semi-naked body. Customer will feel different kind of touch, warm, and pressure at the same time of massage which gives you best experience with massage session. Customer body will feel always touched and engaged with massage therapist touch and warmth. Four hands massage can be given with oil, cream, and soap. The therapists can also customize the massage session according to how the client/s want. Can be used cream and oil both in one massage session.
Four hands massage can either run for 60 min, 90 min or 120 mins.