When you hear the words “nuru massage,” what images come to mind? A relaxing spa day? A sensual afternoon with your partner? The confused question: “What is a nuru massage? Nuru is body to body massage and can be done on a massage table, a bed or even an air mattress. The masseuse uses his or her entire body to massage the client, providing more bodily contact than found in a traditional massage.
The massages also seem to be rising in popularity in Kenya. In fact, 40 percent of surveyed Nairobi-based men admitted booking a nuru massage therapist in the last six months. It’s important to recognize that nuru massages aren’t just for men, either. They’re suitable for people of both genders and all orientations. While nuru massages might have started in Japan, they are also now offered all over the western world. The video above better explains what Nuru massage or rather b2b massage is all about.
There is nothing more annoying than having a long tiring flight, then finally landed and chilling at your hotel room eagerly waiting for your favorite massage therapist and then she gets turned away by the hotel’s front desk. It has happened in the past with a few hotels in Nairobi, and it is terrible.
Hotel Receptionist on telephone call
Now the good news is that it hasn’t happened nearly as often as you would think.
First of all, let us see why certain hotels reject clients who try to bring a massage therapist up to their room.
Causes of Refused entry
Loss of business– Almost every hotel now has either a spa or sauna. That being the case, it wouldn’t go very well if they learn that their guest is booking a massage from an external source yet they can provide the service. However their spa policies are very strict as compared to massage therapists ordered from outside who can someway get flexible and much more discreet.
Moralism – basically it’s the receptionists being a sane beings who think that ordering a massage is a cover up for promiscuity. Often these people are very religious and stick to their religious scripts. However, in a big hotel, this will most likely never be the cause, as they have strict policies and guidelines that the receptionists have to follow. Their personal values in such hotels are not relevant.
Small family hotels in small towns might cause you some issues. Beware of these hotels, especially if you’re in a religious country. In such, Parents might not appreciate their children seeing visitors in and out in the wee hours of the night. Nor would they want to hear you enjoying massage in the next room alongside soothing massage music. In that scenario especially if its service from the opposite gender, it would seem weird. Such hotels usually have crazy swimming pools with crazy water slides, bouncing castles, and entertainment for children. They often cost a lot too. Avoid such hotels.
Esc**rt Girls/Prostitu**on – Another reason is because of esc**rt girls. Hotels do not like having esc**rts in their rooms. There have been cases of esc**rts stealing from hotels. But what can also happen is that pimps might appear in the lobby because of customers failing to pay or other forms of drama taking place. A certain case in Romania, a John had an argument with an esc**rt and threw her out of the room nak**d. Yes, she was n**ked in the corridor. Ask yourself how such drama might affect a hotel’s reputation. Also, in some countries prostitut**on is illegal and hotels can get serious fees or other forms of sanctions if they’re busted with having prostitut**s in their establishment. It is understandable that hotels do not want them in their rooms. But your massage therapist is not a prostitut*? Well how could they know? They just simply might not want to take any risks. If an extra guest gives away “red flags” the hotel might not let the person into the rooms. Sadly, in most cases, those “red flags” are based on looks: how they dress… and their vibe: how they behave.
But keep in mind however that business hotels usually accept esc**rt girls into their establishment. If they can accept esc**rts, they surely would accept you bringing over your masseuse. The issue is that business hotels tend to be expensive.
Cheaper options are hotels without 24 hour receptions. This way you avoid any trouble at all. The staff is used to having guests bringing people to their rooms.
Good news is that in Nairobi, hotels do not usually reject visitors. Mostly what they’d do is impose guest/cover charge on the person that checked in with them, but very few hotels and after specific hours (i.e from 6pm onwards)
Choosing the Right Hotel
Before booking a hotel, you can contact them and discuss with them beforehand on additional guest policy, that way you will avoid booking a hotel that has restrictions against guests.
Bringing Over your therapist
First, let’s discuss things you can do before even going out to prevent possible future blocks.
Book double rooms:
Many times the receptionist might turn out to be a cool guy and will let you bring your therapist right in. However, sometimes they might charge you some extra for it (depends on the hotel and the timing – ranges between 20-100$ and only occurs in the evenings from 6pm)
However, in many hotels, this option is only possible if you have booked a double room for yourself (with a double bed), which according to my experience isn’t much more expensive than booking a single room with a single bed – so totally worth it (don’t you sleep better in a double bed?).
If you don’t book a double room, chances are that they won’t let you bring anyone from outside the hotel into your room, not even for a fee. If you book a double room alone, they will often let you bring an extra person in with no questions asked, and if not, they will do so for a small fee.
Befriending the receptionists:
It is obvious that having a good vibe with the receptionists will make it much easier to bring your preferred massage therapist over. So be polite and friendly when interacting with them. Have a small chat if you have time to kill (and if there aren’t too many guests in the lobby). Try to pay attention to who works the night shift – the night shift is the receptionist you should give the most attention obviously to. Also, avoid giving unnecessary complaints about the room if your room is okay, it will just cause grief.
Further, try to come across as a “decent” and “serious” guy. Don’t come across as a party dude who might come home drunk every night, create noise, wreck the room, and take drugs… Instead, come across as calm, reasonable, and mature – you need to create trust. Be calm, serious, and willing to cooperate.
In order to build rapport with the receptionist, talk about the country’s history with them (if you are visiting a new place) – they will totally light up and be pleased to tell you more. It can also be a very interesting experience.
Discussing “bringing extra guest over” beforehand:
According to our experience, it is a good idea to discuss with the receptionist before you head out about their policies for “bringing extra guests into the rooms”. He/she will be happy to lay down the policy for you. Usually they will ask to see an ID card of the extra guest before letting her in.
There are two reasons for that – the first one is to spot “red flags” (possible esc**rt girl) and the other is that they would like to know who and how many are in the hotel establishment in cases of emergency (like a fire, for example). Further, they might tell you that you will have to pay and give you the price, but interestingly enough they will be very kind and say something along the line of “usually you will have to pay [X-amount], but I will let it go for this time” (even if it is in most hotel policies to charge for extra guests, some of our clients have paid no single cent for that even though the hotel’s policy required guest charge to be paid).
It is important that you reassure the receptionist that you will not cause any noise, that your guests won’t stay long, and that, if there are any problems whatsoever, he can with ease call up to your room.
If you reassure them beforehand, you won’t face any issues when the time comes to bring masseuses over. Another tip is to tell them that you have a girlfriend that might come by the city for the night, as she is visiting her family in a nearby town/city (so if you are in Nairobi, you can tell her that your Kenyan girlfriend is visiting her family in Mombasa) and that she might come over for the night so that you can leave together the next morning. This also works very well.
Remember, the most important thing is to re-assure the receptionist. Keep in mind that it’s always better to make sure that the receptionist you talk to before heading out actually is the night shift. If they are not, it might not work as well, but in our experience, it’s still okay – if you face any issues, just tell the night shift that you talked to his/her colleague earlier on and you should be fine.
Handling Difficulties in the Lobby
If you have done what we have highlighted so far, this should not happen. But if it does, here is what you can do:
If the receptionist doesn’t let your therapist in, show your therapist’s ID without the receptionist requesting it – this helps and increases the chances of them letting you. The reason being that you remove a lot of the “red flag” indicators… as you have nothing to hide.
Tell the reception that your guest won’t stay for long– maximum 2 hours.
Tell them to charge the room. As you have a double room, it is fully possible to book in an extra person to the room. This is the case in 90% of the hotels and it is written in their policy. A good explanation should be provided if they do not accept an extra guest.
In very rare scenarios, the receptionist might go beyond the hotel’s policy. He/she is not allowed to do that (if you book a double room with a double bed, you have the right to book another person in) and while remaining calm, tell him that you will to have a chat with his boss in the morning and that this incident will definitely appear in your tripadvisor review (where you can write “receptionist didn’t let my girlfriend/wife/guest in”). Now such incident happens rarely.
Keep in mind that it is key to remain calm and mature if you have to deal with lame receptionists.
Let us now recap this post!
We first of all pointed out the reasons for why hotels reject extra guests (the massage therapists you bring over):
The first one being moralism – The thought of bringing an extra guest especially of the opposite gender have them in their mind as prostit**n which most hotels don’t want. If you mention they are coming for a massage, that either wont go well with them as almost all standard hotels have spas and health clubs within them.
Secondly, they care about their reputation and for this the hotel might not be fitted for party people looking to misbehave.
They are also very afraid of having esc**rt girls over – for the sake of their reputation, but also because of the law in certain countries.
Business hotels usually accept you bringing extra guests of the opposite gender over (guess what, many business folks love booking external masseuses!). Same goes for hotels that are situated in party locations, which are used to have young people over, who usually came to the city to party. Hotels with family rooms usually do not like having “extra guests” over, same as small rural family-run hotels.
It is a good idea to book a double room when booking a hotel. This makes bringing your therapist over easier. befriend the receptionist and create some rapport with them.
Talk about bringing people over with the night shift before booking an mobile massage. It is important that you accept their policies (if they ask to charge or show IDs, you accept it) and remember that the most important thing is to re-assure the receptionist that you are a decent person who won’t cause any issues. It is important to come across as cooperating.
If you still get rejected, you first of all offer to pay the charges for the extra guest, and if this doesn’t work, threaten the receptionist with a “bad review” or a “little chat with the boss”.
Either way, very very few of our clients have been rejected masseuse entry at their hotels, and, as a massage service, believe us, we have had my fair share of our clients receive our massage therapists over to their rooms. Now you have our tricks in your pocket, so enjoy your next trip!
Swedish massage is truly one of the best ways to unwind and relax. You can have your mobile massage in your home, office, or hotel. Your at-home Swedish massage session can be 60min, 90mins, or 120mins. Preparations for swedish massage include:
Firstly, make sure you haven’t eaten anything in the last 1hr, so you’re not digesting food, as it may cause discomfort. This is especially important if you’re going to be lying on your stomach.
Find an appropriate space for our therapist to set up their massage table. (incase you will request a table)
Prepare 2 large towels of your own, if you would prefer not to use ours.
Make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing and underwear. You’ll be asked to leave your underwear on.
Finally, it’s important to do what you can to create a relaxing atmosphere. Mobile phones are little bundles of stress, so it’s a good idea to turn yours off. You might also want to dim the lights, put on some calming music and generally unplug for a little while before and during your massage session.
A hot shower or bath with magnesium salts is the absolute best way to follow a blissful massage, but if you prefer to go straight to bed that’s fine too. You’ll sleep like a baby either way. Just make sure to drink plenty of water, or herbal tea, as your body flushes out toxins thanks to improved circulation.
Since you are already reading this page, we know that you are interested in getting a massage. Let us provide you with more information on the benefits of receiving a massage, especially one from our qualified therapists.
There are plenty of reasons why you should choose our therapists for a special therapeutic massage.
The first reason is your health – both physical and mental. If you have been in Nairobi, even for a short while, you will know how exhausting it can be. Having a regular massage is a fantastic way to wind down, relax, lay back and let our professionals work their magic.
The second reason is about gaining a new life experience. It is always worthwhile exploring new ideas and experiences as it allow us to enjoy more of life by stepping out of the routine for a while. Massage therapy can help you think straight and bring balance for your life. You will be surprised with the all of the benefits of a massage. There are so many other benefits of a professional massage that I could write a book. Some of these other benefits include lowering blood pressure, releasing pain and improving your sleep. You need to feel this great experience that is worth every penny and every moment of your time. Your only regret will be that you didn’t find gift yourself relaxation.
Refresh your body, mind and soul in the peaceful atmosphere of your own hotel room. Here are a few additional benefits of massage therapy in your life:
*Reduces aches and pain,
*Relieves tension and headaches,
*Promotes health and relaxation,
*Reduces stress and anxiety,
*Provides clarity and peace of mind, and
*Improves sleep.
Massage therapy help the body in multiple ways. Our treatments can relax the muscle tissue, which may lead to decreased nerve compression, increased joint space, range of motion and reduced pain, improving the normal body function.
Have our therapists come to your hotel room for a session and I bet you that you will want them come back time and time again. So, we hope to see you soon at nairobifreelance.com for some relaxation.
A pregnancy or rather prenatal massage is a relief during your pregnancy. It reduces back, shoulder and pelvic problems and gives the body the rest and relaxation, that it so desperately needs.
A pregnancy massage will not only bring relief during pregnancy, but it is also a good preparation for the birth itself and helps you in the postpartum period.
We have a few masseuses providing prenatal massages including Dinah.
This type of massage is effective for:
pelvic problems
back pains
stiff shoulders
moisture retention in feet, legs, and arms
cramps in calves and
To book your prenatal massage, please check out Dinah
Who doesn’t love massages? It’s a relaxing treatment we love to get for its sheer ability to reduce stress, anxiety, and it immediately lifts our spirits up. Beyond the benefits for specific conditions or diseases, some people enjoy massage because it often produces feelings of caring, comfort and connection.
Massages are not only healing for the body, but for the mind and soul too. Allow yourself to fully relax and take in the experience by booking an at-home massage with one of our top Mobile Massage Therapists. Our Therapists will bring all of the equipment and products needed to ensure that your treatment leaves you fulfilled. Here at Nairobi Freelance Mobile Massage, masseuses are trained in a diverse variety of modalities, that touch the body, calm the mind and heal the spirit.
Book your appointment now on www.nairobifreelance.com
If you didn’t achieve what you wished and hoped for last month, don’t worry. Another month is here for all your unfulfilled wishes and expectations to become a reality.
Always and forever, you’ll always receive an amazing massage treat from any massage therapist that you will choose from us. Available treats include swedish, deep tissue, aroma and nuru massages.
Its a brand new month, and you absolutely need that brand new energy. Always ready to serve you, our mobile massage therapists will take you to a haven you have never been to.
Book your appointment with a masseuse of your choice anywhere you are and they will come right away.
Nairobi Freelance Masseurs is a mobile massage service, offering at-home spa treatments in the comfort of your own home. The team is made up of highly knowledgeable and well-trained beauty therapists with over 5 years experience in the massage and wellness industry.
We are passionate about bringing happiness, health and well-being to all of our clients with in-home pamper sessions.
Our professional and trained massage therapists offer a variety of in-home spa treatments ranging from massage therapy, to reflexology, reiki, facials, manicures, pedicures and more.
If you would like to spoil a friend or loved one – We have treatment vouchers available for purchase!
Being a Wednesday, its time to be your own #WCW You need a break; you need to RELAX.
We have designed a good relaxation massage to help you feel relaxed and at ease leaving you oozing with a sense of wellbeing just at the comfort of your own home or hotel. Massage improves your circulation, so your organs and skin get more oxygen as well as increase fluid flow through your lymphatic system.
A relaxation massage encourages your body to digest its food, and get rid of its toxins. It enhances better sleep.
We are here to make you feel good anytime, anywhere!
You can choose either a MALE or FEMALE Certified Massage Therapist 😉 Book your massage www.nairobifreelance.com
Treat yourself to the pampering and pleasure of a mobile massage service without having to leave the convenience and comfort of your home, office or hotel suite—with our comprehensive and professional mobile massage therapy services. We specialize in out-call and in-home mobile therapy for residents and guests in and around Nairobi. All you have to do is browse our website and book your therapist, and our highly trained, vetted, professional and courteous therapists will instantly travel to your door in as little as an hours time, 7 days a week. Our therapists provide the equipment, ambiance and of course the magic touch…thereby providing you with personalized and luxurious resort-level spa treatment and therapy services. Then you just have to relax and allow us to work our magic, while you bask in the luxurious glow of pampered, pleasured bliss.